Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It's been a long time

Uh oh. I see a pattern starting here again. One I had with my old blogs that I was hoping to avoid here by combining my photo and design blogs.

Truth be told I've been busy with more design stuff that isn't really the type of stuff to be shared on a blog like this. Little jobs and favors here and there, but enough to keep me busy. Plus I've been sick. Plus life is just busy.

I feel like it is important to at least try still though to some relevant stuff here whenever I can though, right? Someday maybe I'll even be consistent about it:) Until then, here are some peeks into some of my latest photography sessions...

First up- an awesome family- this session was put together pretty last minute and we were rushing to try to beat some impending clouds and stormy weather that was threatening above. The stars aligned somehow though and the minute we decided to start wrapping things up, the storm came. And here are some of my favorites from a photoshoot with one of my favorite little girls to photograph. I've gotten to do a couple of other photo sessions with her and can't believe she is already ONE year old!!


Trish said...

Wonderful pics of one of my favorite families! They are like family to us and you caught their personalities wonderfully! How fun!

Trish said...

Great pics of our "second adopted" family!! They turned out great!