Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another adorable family.

This session went by so fast! We had the whole thing wrapped up in a half hour- it probably helped that they are so beautiful to begin with, have model smiles on demand, and were just naturals in front of the camera.

I'm sure you'll recognize the location from a lot of my other photoshoots. This particular building just happens to work at any time of day, has a railroad track running by it, and has a few parks nearby. It was recently up for sale an I was wishing I could have bought it to have as a studio someday.

Anyway, I promise I love to take pictures other places!! In fact that is a goal of mine this summer- to take more pictures and find lots of new locations. I've got all the local parks mapped out and am hoping to take more pictures in downtown Logan with more of a street feel to them. Do you have an idea or location that you have been wanting to have your pictures taken at? I would looooove to make it happen for you:)

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