Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easter 2012 Promotion

Book a session with me before Easter (session does not have to be before Easter) and you can get a free cd with up to 5 images!!

Spring is here! The grass is getting greener. The flowers are starting to bloom. And there are sweet little baby animals everywhere. Talk about opportunities for great pictures!! I put together some Easter outfits for my little sweeties, took advantage of of some great spring weather and borrowed my neighbor's sweet little pigmy goat... and now I want one. Bad. So sweet, so loving, and the adorable way she moved, prancing and dancing, and jumping and running around!! Oh my. I kind of fell in love. I am starting to think a goat may be the way to go for our first little pet.

Okay, okay, here are some of my favorites from today:


Sherrill said...

I've now decided what my sole goal will be for tonight. I will not stop bugging Beau until he applies for that BYU job. You MUST be our personal family photographer. Those are HEAVENLY!

Ali said...

oh my goodness. That goat jumping on Logan and chasing Kaden! That looks so fun. Great pictures!!

marjorie said...

Kaela...these are just soooooo cute! They could be magazine pictures....the essence of spring! So fun! Can't wait to see these boys in person! (The goat is cute, but you can leave him home.)

Jan W. said...

Kaela, these photos are gorgeous, as always. I must say, you having perfect models at your disposal is a real perk....and that goat is sooo cute. I would love to get my Goates grandkids' picture taken with that cute little guy!

Kaela said...

Jan, I thought of them while editing these!! How perfect would that be?! If only they lived closer:)

Amy Sue said...

LOVE that goat and that pics! I especially like the one of the goat jumping on Logan! Great pics Kaela!

Matt & Viki said...

So Cute! Can't wait to see you this next week! Can you bring the goat, what a cutie:)