Saturday, September 29, 2012

My favorite time of year!

I love the fall and I must say I live in a place where we get to enjoy some beautiful scenery this time of year. My only complaint... it comes and goes waaaay to quickly. So this week I had to take my boys out and try to capture some of it with them in it (since they are my favorite little subjects :) ). Here are the results...

So fun, right?! To see more from this series you can check out the ones I posted to my Facebook page and while your there I would greatly appreciate it if you would "like" me. Thanks!!


Anna said...

Some of your best yet. The first few are exceptionally good. And love the family pic.

Rachael M said...

The pictures of your boys just melt my heart. How sweet are they?!?! So, my mom & step-dad are serving a mission in SLC right now. If we get to go out and see them this summer, I absolutely want to come and have YOU take our pictures (or at least the boys). Deal? :) Also, I just miss you and would love to meet your latest additions. :)

Kaela said...

I would love that SOOO much Rachael- please do contact me (via fb or blog or whatever) and let's make it happen:)